Health Journey 3
A Friend Told Me To Detox – Is It Safe?
At least once a week, I get asked about the need to detox from a patient or a friend. Some of them read about it or saw it on TV, others were approached by a friend or colleague selling a detoxification product. Their concerns are always the same – is it safe? Is it effective? […]
What is a Naturopathic Doctor?
What is a Naturopathic Doctor? I get this question a lot and it’s confusing. I get it. All the other healthcare practitioners their name says it all. I’ll explain Naturopathic medicine in context of how we are similar, and different, then your family doctor. Our Training is Similar… Naturopathic doctors are trained as primary healthcare […]
Creating Healthy Habits in 7 Easy Steps
Some research says forming a habit is simple and takes just 21 days of commitment. However, regardless of the time frame you subscribe to, creating a pattern in your mind and body takes the willingness to venture into new, unknown territory. I personally believe forming new habits is a lot easier then getting rid of […]