Both naturopathic and conventional medicine want you to feel better. We all have the same goal in mind getting you better. Our training while similar allows us to treat you with two different scientific approaches to health.
Conventional medicine largely relies on medications to help manage symptoms. The medications prescribed may help you feel better temporarily (or even for a longer time), However, unfortunately some individuals experience many side effects making it more difficult to remain with these medications long term.
I believe that the medications are necessary for some patients (and some cases). However, medications can also be used to point us in the direction of where the healing needs to happen. Naturopathic medicine focuses on healing the body, and through this eliminating the symptoms.
Naturopathic medical approaches help to push the body in the direction it needs to heal. It’s like teaching someone to ride a bike. You may find yourself holding on to the bike while teaching someone to ride. Learning to ride a bike is similar to the naturopathic medical approach. We hold the person in a safe space by holding on to the seat or running beside the biker until they are steady and riding on their own.
Want to know more about how these two approaches compare, check this post out.
Dr. Christina focuses on a medical investigation based on symptoms, read more about her approach by clicking here.